Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Weather Report

This was the second project in Advanced Issues in Typography. The project was to create a weather report using LATCH that seamlessly flowed through three compositions. I chose to use alphabet, time and hierarchy.  Again I tried to address my time management problem. I used a simple color scheme and icons because I wanted the focus to be on the weather. I also tried to make the LATCH aspects as obvious as physically possible.

Living Words

This was the first project in Advanced Issues in Typography.  I chose the words playful and order to animate in After Effects CS5. Playful has each letter separately animated bouncing around the screen like a bunch of jumping beans before coming together and revealing the word. Order also has each letter animated falling from the top left corner bumping into one another and then falling into order to reveal the word. This came after the blue squares which allowed me to feel a little bit more comfortable while using motion.

Blue Squares

The assignment was to recreate a series of motions in After Effects CS5 using 8 blue squares. This is where I realized I am not naturally talented using motion. I am working on correcting my timing issue which is a reoccurring problem in my videos.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Instructional Design: How to Introduce Yourself

The instructional design project was the first project we did in Graphic Design II. The goal was to create a meaningful design which would communicate clear instruction for a simple task while being aesthetically pleasing. The instruction also was required to have real world application. For my project I chose to design instructions on how to introduce yourself at an interview. I designed an instillation which measured in size to be roughly about 5 feet wide and 4.5 feet tall. The installation was to be used in the St. Edward's University Career Center. I edited the layout and placed it into pictures I took of the St. Edward's University Career Center using Adobe Photoshop CS5.


Inside the Career Center

Outside looking in view of Career Center

Interaction Exercise: International Trade

This was the project after our symbol studies. It was my first encounter with Adobe Flash CS5. We showed the evolution of a single symbol through the different development stages until the one right before the final. It uses a series of buttons and transitions. I really enjoyed this project. I wanted my design to move in an interesting way. I also wanted an industrial feel to match my symbol. The only issue I had was with the start button.